Archive for March, 2009

24th March
written by simplelight

Quote of the week from Perry Noble at NewSpring Church in Anderson, S.C. (full article):

“I believe a bailout will occur when our bondage to our bling is broken”

24th March
written by simplelight

About two years ago I began to dabble in web development and I finally understand why the cognoscenti loathe Internet Explorer. On both of my websites, things just seem to work consistently across Firefox, Safari and Chrome (my browser of choice for its blazing speed). On IE, though, there are invariably a whole slew of layout problems and different interpretations of what I’m trying to achieve. Things seem marginally better in IE8 but many of the problems persist.

Hopefully, as IE’s market share declines, Microsoft will be forced to conform to the standards.

17th March
written by simplelight

I wrote a few weeks ago about an online method for memorizing scripture. I have been using it for a few weeks now and have nothing but good to report. I have currently memorized 22 bible verses (actually, I’m in the processing of memorizing them) and am making steady progress. The interval between reviews seems to be just right although some of the more difficult /  longer verses I find myself forgetting quicker. It appears that the algorithm adapts so that the more difficult you find a verse, the less it increases the interval after each successful repetition.

Another feature that I like is that you can string together multiple bible verses and memorize them as a set. This should be helpful when I tackle my eventual goal of memorizing Romans!

4th March
written by simplelight is a good method of memorizing bible verses.  The idea of using flash cards always seemed too antiquated to even consider but nothing else seemed to work. Fortunately, there is now an online solution which uses a nifty algorithm to optimize the learning process. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now and it is fantastic. The key idea is that the algorithm adjusts the testing frequency depending on how well you know the content. That way, you aren’t revising John 3:16 every day. Apparently the best time to revise something is right before you’re about to forget it. By focusing on the content that you don’t yet know well, you are able to memorize far more bible verse and a lot quicker.