
15th May
written by simplelight

This post has good information: http://blog.ertesvag.no/post/10720082458

Step 1

Edit nginx.conf file on production server and then restart nginx.

Step 2

Set up distribution on Amazon Cloudfront. Point origin to the cname set up below.

Step 3

Set up a cname on Linode. For instance: origin.example.com –> www.example.com

27th October
written by simplelight

Great post on how to install Memcached from source and monitor its performance.

For a good tutorial on getting started with Memcached in a Ruby on Rails environment, checkout the Scaling Rails series, particularly episode 8

The Memcached wiki also has a page listing the various tools for monitoring Memcached.


7th December
written by simplelight

Is there any way to specify the RAILS_ENV when using Passenger? I tried setting it in my environment.rb, but it doesn’t seem to take anything other than “production” … setting the RAILS_ENV constant instead of the ENV[‘RAILS_ENV’] eventually did the trick.

For a way to set Rails_env differently depending on the capistrano stage being deployed to, see this post

2nd December
written by simplelight

>> ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_variable_set :@logger, Logger.new(STDOUT)

6th August
written by simplelight


6th August
written by simplelight

Finally signed up for Feedburner to be SEO compliant. ghm9tsyieq